Meetup #8 was hosted by Cybertec at Lift99
Telliskivi Hub and had 4 presentations:
- "Patroni v4 & quorum commit" - by Ants Aasma, Senior Consultant at Cybertec [slides]
- "Spot VMs and Postgres" - by Kaarel Moppel, an independent PostgreSQL Consultant [slides]
- "When Autovacuum Met FinOps: A Cloud Romance" - by Mayur, DB Specialist@Veeam [slides]
- "What is a large database?" - a Lightning Talk by Heikki Linnakangas, cofounder of Neon, PostgreSQL
developer event link
Photos from event are at
Photos, and
you could upload yours photos there too!
By the way: a great resource for ideas (and learning) is the PostgreSQL Wiki with it's "Presentations" section.
And as last, a short reminder as usual:
Signup to our mailing list at
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If you have some topic for a talk (or even just an idea, we can help with weedback etc) then definitely
submit your talk!
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