We did meet on 2017.05.30 in cozy Taxify office, we would like to thank Taxify for not only hosting event but going extra mile and ensuring that we all get home after event. We also thank TransferWise for help organizing event, and providing us with some snacks and drinks.
Photos from event are at Google Photos, and you could upload yours photos there too!
Our first presenter was Federico Campoli. He is data superman engineer at TransferWise, and also leading Brighton PostgreSQL Meetup. In spare time, in effort to save humanity from MySQL and, similar things he wrote tool called pg_chameleon. MySQL to PostgreSQL replication system is able to listen for changes on MySQL master, and replicate data and structure changes to PostgreSQL instance issuing relevant statements.
Second presentation was given by Aleksei Plotnikov he is Senior Service Engineer @ Skype Database Platform team. His story was about 'PostgreSQL database platform architecture at Skype'. This was good insight in real-life, large PostgreSQL installation at Skype, providing data service for 'Skype for Consumer'. Skype is well known in PostgreSQL community for in-house built toolset called Skytools consisting of PgQ, Londiste and other technologies for PostgreSQL, dealing with shipping, queueing and replication in fault tolerant way.